Phoenix, also known as “The Valley of the Sun” is a vibrant region with plenty of places for sightseeing. Check out some of those spots here!
Straying Off the Beaten Path in Downtown Dallas – Exploring the Titche-Goettinger Building
Exploring history first-hand and seeing places that are long forgotten is one of my favorite pastimes. This summer, I partnered up with Beth Schon from the lifestyle blog WiseMommies and set out to explore Downtown Dallas and the many notable buildings that make up the cityscape. One of the most
This Denton County Town is Named After Dish Network
Texas is full of cities named after different places – from Athens to Italy, and all the way to Palestine. However, the town that I visited recently wasn’t named after a country or even a U.S. state- rather it carries the name of a satellite TV provider. Welcome to DISH, TX.
Stephenville – Home of the Tarleton Texans
July 4th, my family and I wanted to visit someplace new, yet not stray too far so that we could make it back in time for some fireworks. As I was brainstorming places we could visit, a small town named Stephenville popped up in my mind as a good destination
Plano’s Forgotten Mall
The Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex- one of the most mall-dense areas in the country. From upscale NorthPark to the nearly demolished Valley View, shopping centers can be seen everywhere here in town. In Plano, when a typical person thinks of a mall, places like Willow Bend, possibly Collin Creek come to