What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear of Fair Park? For most people, it would be corn dogs, car shows, and a whole day’s worth of fun at the State Fair of Texas. However, there is a place in this sprawling 277-acre complex not many
Alabama’s Magic City – One Day in Birmingham
After a whole day of exploring Atlanta, I was ready to go do the other half of my trip bright and early the next morning: the State of Alabama. I chose to visit its most populous city, Birmingham. The combination of history and it being the most populated city in
Texas’ Oldest Radio Station: WRR-FM
Here in Dallas, we are known for many things – the State Fair, JFK’s assassination, that globe looking building called the Reunion Tower, just to name a few. But did you know that D-Town is also home to the oldest radio station in the state? WRR, occupying 101.1 on the
A Mini Trip to Mineral Wells
Saturday afternoon, the family and I decided to all pile in the car and go visit a small town, Mineral Wells, located about 80 miles west of Dallas. I was going to fly there initially earlier that day, but a mechanical problem forced me to turn back. Not a problem
City Government in a House: A Tour of Addison’s Town Hall
Summer – a time much enjoyed(and needed!) by all of us school employees. Although I work summer school this month, my workday ends right around noon. This leaves me a good chunk of the afternoon to explore and see new places. One of the things I’ve been doing as of